Year 5
Sidney Sime workshop
Visit from Chertsey Museum for Anglo-Saxon day
Year 5 pupils were visited by an Historian from Surrey History Centre to learn all about a Sidney Sime (1865-1941), the famous artist, illustrator and caricaturist. This visit was linked to learning about local history. The pupils engaged in talking about Sidney Sime’s artwork and the drawing skills he used to create his pieces of artwork. The pupils then had a go at creating their own artwork in the style of Sidney Sime.
As part of the hook for the theme ‘Invasion and Innovation’ in the autumn term, Year 5 classes with visited by Chertsey Museum for an Anglo-Saxon day! They looked at a range of artefacts and studied the daily life of Anglo-Saxons. The explored the similarities and differences between Anglo-Saxons and Vikings life too.