Curriculum intent statement:
At Guildford Grove, our curriculum develops language, ensures learning sticks and places reading at its heart.
The whole school have worked collaboratively to create a bespoke curriculum which meets the needs of our unique school community.
We have carefully chosen THREE CURRICULUM DRIVERS which derive from our school vision, values and aims. These are:
Reading at the heart: quality texts run through much of our curriculum
Language and communication: subject specific vocabulary is taught through all curriculum subject areas and we have a ‘total communication approach’ to meet the diverse needs of all our learners
High aspirations: our whole school curriculum has been crafted to inspire pupils to believe that there are no limits as to what they can achieve
Our progressive curriculum has been designed to ensure we capture our pupils’ natural curiosity, develop their love of learning, expose them to high quality texts and make learning memorable.
In every year group, in every half term, our pupils will:
experience an exciting hook to immerse them in the new curriculum area,
learn new sticky knowledge to ensure they retain key information,
develop their subject specific vocabulary and
work towards a shared goal or outcome to make learning meaningful.
We have designed our curriculum to be broad and balanced. Meaningful experiences are integral to our curriculum as they develop our pupils’ cultural capital.
We believe it is important to develop the ‘whole child’ so that every pupil can succeed. Respectful relationships underpin all that we do. Our ‘Good Learning Habits’ promote resilience, collaborative learning and encourage our pupils to become lifelong learners.
Our inclusive school celebrates diversity. Deaf culture is integral to life at Guildford Grove, and we have made the innovative decision to teach British Sign Language to all pupils across KS2.
At Guildford Grove, we expect our pupils to achieve the highest standards. Core subjects are an important part of our school day to ensure pupils can access the full curriculum and are well prepared for their next stage in education.
Please find our individual subject intent statements on the curriculum subjects page.