Working with Parents/ Carers
Our aim at Guildford Grove is to work in collaboration with parents/ carers as much as possible. We regularly run ‘Stay and Play’ sessions where parents/ carers are invited to come into Nursery and Reception to work with their children in their school environment.
Throughout the year, we run a range of workshops for parents/ carers to give information about how different areas are taught. We also send home weekly newsletters which detail what the children have been learning in school that week in order for parents to support children further at home.
We use the app, Seesaw, to record some evidence of children’s learning. Parents/ carers are given access to this at home so that they can add information to support us in building up a clear picture of a child’s skills/interests/ development.
There are termly meetings with each child’s class teacher. These provide a formal opportunity for parents/carers to hear about their child’s progress.
We take the children out on several local trips throughout the year to enhance their learning. We are always very grateful for adult support on these outings!
At Guildford Grove, we are lucky to have very experienced staff who work hard to ensure that all children are nurtured and supported throughout their time in EYFS. Staff are always happy to talk to parents/ carers. The best way to do this is to make an appointment with the teacher at drop off/ collection time or via the school office.
Further information can be found within our Early Years Policy and under the curriculum tab.